A charisma measure based on Weber s theory was
developed and tested. Three studies were conducted
in order to assess whether charisma has one or more
dimensions, and explore the extent to which charisma
is a property of the leader, the audience, their
relationship or the situation. In Study 1, ratings
of speeches of well-known politicians yielded two
factors. Moral charisma emphasizes pride in and
respect for the leader s task and calling, whereas
reptilian charisma involves the leader s emotional
power, vitality, and vigor. In Study 2, Ps rated the
most or least charismatic person they knew. In Study
3, coders rated 200 speech segments lasting ten
seconds each. All three studies demonstrated that
charisma has two dimensions, a moral and a
reptilian. The studies further help understanding
the diverse styles of various charismatic leaders
and also of nonleaders. When judgments of charisma
could be done, partitioning the variance of charisma
indicated that it largely resides in the leader and
his or her relationship with the audience.
developed and tested. Three studies were conducted
in order to assess whether charisma has one or more
dimensions, and explore the extent to which charisma
is a property of the leader, the audience, their
relationship or the situation. In Study 1, ratings
of speeches of well-known politicians yielded two
factors. Moral charisma emphasizes pride in and
respect for the leader s task and calling, whereas
reptilian charisma involves the leader s emotional
power, vitality, and vigor. In Study 2, Ps rated the
most or least charismatic person they knew. In Study
3, coders rated 200 speech segments lasting ten
seconds each. All three studies demonstrated that
charisma has two dimensions, a moral and a
reptilian. The studies further help understanding
the diverse styles of various charismatic leaders
and also of nonleaders. When judgments of charisma
could be done, partitioning the variance of charisma
indicated that it largely resides in the leader and
his or her relationship with the audience.