The development of autonomous Mobile Robot Systems is attracting nowadays more and more interest from both researchers and practitioners, mainly because they may open for a wide range of improvements for quality of life. Mobile robots are systems capable of accomplishing missions by moving in an unknown environment without human supervision. When it comes to the development of Mobile Robot Systems, currently there is no standard methodology. This is mainly due to the complexity of the domain and the variety of different platforms that are available on the market. A promising methodology that recently has gained attention in software industry for its ability of mitigating complexity and boosting platform-independence, is Model-Driven Engineering. This book proposes a systematic mapping study on the state-of-the-art of Model-Driven Engineering for Mobile Robot Systems. Through this book, researchers can get a picture of the current trends and open challenges for further research, while practitioners can realize the suitability of Model-Driven Engineering by checking to what extent it has been applied to real-world robot projects.