Dragonfly On My Line is a captivating and heartwarming story of a father and son embarking on one of their favorite extra-curricular activities. A father surprises his son with an early morning fishing trip to their favorite fishing spot. The Father and Son loved spending time together doing all sorts of things, but fishing is by far the son's favorite activity to share with his dad. However is not simply because the son likes to fish. It's because the son is infatuated with dragonflies, and he knows that dragonflies are often at the pond. The son has never caught a fish before and he doesn't mind because he's there only to watch dragonflies. His father has often told him that dragonflies bring you luck and if a dragonfly lands on your fishing line that you would soon catch a fish. The two share a joyful day as the father teaches his son how to fish. The father catches fish after fish and his son only catches a small fish that get stuck in the grass. However an exciting turn of events soon cast the two into the fight of their lives. Join us on this journey of excitement and share in the joy of a father and son bonding over a new adventure that will build a lifelong friendship.
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