Being proclaimed as an "Island of democracy", Kyrgyzstan was open to new ideas and gifts typically grants from international donors ever since independence. As a result of this flow of the money the third sector was born which has been named as Non-governmental organizations. At their first appearance they seemed to be the mediators between government and the local population. Furthermore, politicians and analytics accused them in being agents of international players that work only with their orders and now after the ethnic conflict in the south of Kyrgyzstan in 2010 they are known as "profiteers" that are worried only about their own interest and their pockets. This research is dedicated to the activities of NGO in the timespan of 2010-2013 with particular focus on the peace building and reconciliation projects in the southern city Osh after the ethnic clashes. Consequently, the author discovers the role of NGOs in the reconciliation process and reveals how the conflict affected the development of NGOs. As a purpose of this study the author interviewed several NGOs their donors and the beneficiaries of the projects.