They say, that there are alien matter. Perhaps hellish Dark Matter with Energy. Is this a threat? I convincingly show, that they are not material. Can non-material harm us? Yes, some can, e.g., betrayal of love. But I show, that Dark Matter and Energy are very familiar to us: it is space and time themselves. So, knowing these "terra incognita-s" we shall be calm. Because I show, that their Master is God Himself. God is good. E.T.: "We assessed your work with great pleasure". Also I defend my faith in verity of General Relativity; because I believe, that the Truth exists, and General Relativity is one manifestation of it. Through calculations are found: Shape, Origin and Destiny of Universe. The chapter of Coral Castle tells us how this "unusual accomplishment" could be realized. Few moments can understand the professional, but I bring in such sections the results and conclusions, which will understand everyone.