CD 1
1Leb wohl mein Schatz00:01:37
2The Third Reich's chancellor Adolf Hitler on September 5, 1934 at the conference for cultural affairs during the...00:02:11
3Ballad of Mak the knife00:02:45
4Ich bin von Kopf bis Fuß auf Liebe eingestellt00:03:03
5Das ist die Liebe der Matrosen (aus Bomben auf Monte Carlo) - Liebling, mein Herz lässt dich grüssen (1930)...00:07:42
6Stempellied (Lied der Arbeitslosen)00:03:07
7Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit (March of the red guards)00:01:20
9Solidarität (aus Kuhle Wampe)00:01:38
10Der Bäcker backt um's Morgenrot00:03:08
11Adolf Hitler at the Nuremberg party convention 193400:01:32
12Salome's dance00:02:27
13The closing of Berlin's Kroll opera house - recollections of Otto Klemperer00:04:53
14Impromptu Nr. 300:04:58
15Reich propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels' address concerning the boycott of Jewis shops on April 1, 193300:00:55
16Muss i denn (German folk song)00:02:07
17Deutsche macht Euch frei von der Judentyrannei (1933) (Mass chanting)00:00:42
18Joseph Goebbels at the annual convention of the Reichskulturkammer at the Berlin state opera (1937)00:03:08
19Gute Nacht00:02:58
20Goebbels at the Reichsmusiktage in 1939 in Düsseldorf00:01:05
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CD 2
1Gott sei mit unserem Führer00:02:20
2Adolf Hitler laying the foundation for the Richard Wagner monument in Leipzig on March 6, 193400:05:33
3Les Préludes (Sinfonische Dichtung Nr. 3) (Auszug)00:04:17
5Introductory remarks by Alfred Bofinger, director of the Reich's radio in Stuttgart concerning Mozart's Don Giovanni00:06:24
6Sinfonie Nr. 3 d-moll "Wagner-Sinfonie" (Auszug)00:06:39
7Bruckner fanfares00:00:43
8March 12, 1938: Hitler's proclamation as German troops marched into Austria00:03:03
9Joseph Goebbel's address at the Düsseldorf music days of the Reich (1939)00:03:13
1075 Millionen - ein Schlag00:03:11
11Continuation of Goebbel's Düsseldorf speech00:01:48
12Bruckner fanfares00:00:29
13Opening of the first German "Musisches Gymnasium" in Frankfurt am Main on July 12, 193900:10:31
14Erde schafft das Neue00:01:50
15Vienna broadcast of the Reich: Christmas address of August Eigruber, Gauleiter of Oberdonau, of December 26, 194000:02:52
16Als ich noch Prinz war von Arkadien00:15:36
CD 3
1Adolf Hitler at the Nuremberg Reich's party convention of the NSDAP convention for cultural affairs at the Apollo00:02:48
2Wenn ich im Kampfe (1. Akt)00:02:37
3Rainer Schlösser, director of the theater departement of the Reich's ministry for people's enlightenment and propaganda00:02:10
4Erde schafft das Neue00:02:39
5The importance of choral singing in national socialist communal life00:00:45
6Gelöbnis (In memoriam A.L. Schlageter) - Goebbel's address at the second music days of the Reich, Düsseldorf, May 21 ...00:03:47
72. Funeral00:04:16
8Paul Hindemith recalls the boycott of his works (from a conversation with Heinz Schröter on June 2, 1947)00:03:50
9Olympische Hymne00:03:52
10Address of the music critic Fritz Stege on the Nordic soul and Nordic human beings (1935)00:03:50
11Totenklage (From the festival play Olympische Jugend)00:07:42
12Es dröhnte der Marsch der Kolonnen (Hitler Youth song)00:01:06
13Mit Mercedes-Benz voran! Ein Lied der schaffenden Heimat00:03:22
14Conversation with the conductor Hans von Benda at the Deutsches Theater in Kraków about his concerts00:02:23
15Legion Condor-Bombenfliegermarsch00:03:27
16Oh Vaterland.. Da geh ich zu Maxim00:02:54
17Conversation with the composer Franz Lehár in Vienna, April 17, 194000:01:49
18Ceremony for the day of Hausmusik in Vienna, November 18, 1940 / Address by the Gauleiter of Vienna, Baldur von Schirach00:04:17
19Conversation with the managing director of the Berlin Philaharmoninc Orchestra, Dr. Gerhart von Westermann (about 1944)00:02:38
20Festival music for the "Anniversary of 2600 years of the Japanese empire for orchestra, op. 8400:03:41
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