The story follows Brimstone, a vengeful dragon, and Bandit, a small black puppy. Brimstone, orphaned and enraged, seeks revenge against King Squirming of Wormshire for the destruction of his past. As Brimstone attacks villages near the king's castle, he encounters Bandit and unexpectedly spares the puppy's life. Despite Brimstone's attempts to discourage Bandit, the puppy persistently follows the dragon to his lair in Dragon's Hollow. Initially annoyed, Brimstone gradually warms to Bandit's presence, and they form an unlikely companionship. In a pivotal moment, Brimstone recounts his tragic origin story to Bandit. He describes how King Squirming and his knights attacked his family's nest when he was a hatchling. During the attack, two brave dogs rescued baby Brimstone. One of the dogs wore a Celtic cross medallion. As Brimstone tells this story, Bandit reveals that he wears the same medallion around his neck. This discovery establishes a profound connection between them, as it becomes clear that Bandit's parents were the ones who saved Brimstone as a hatchling. The story sets up themes of unlikely friendship, shared destiny, and the potential for redemption as Brimstone and Bandit's paths intertwine in their journey through Dragon's Hollow.
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