The professional work environment has undergone a sea change in last few decades. The ever increasing need for higher productivity, efficiency and competition has given rise to need for close-knit and flexible teams. A cursory glance at successful organizations bear out that fostering team work has been the corner stone of their success. The concept of team has invited attention of many scholars globally. It is understood that many variables affect the teams. One such important variable identified by previous researchers is 'gender'. Last five decades has seen increasing participation of women in work-force. Even the quality and diversity of their participation has undergone significant transformation. Today most teams at all levels are gender-mixed. The study of gender has wide implications in today's world. It is important to focus on gender-based fault lines in teams operating in professional settings to evolve teams that are more cohesive, resilient and effective.This book focuses upon the impact of gender on certain aspects of teams in an Indian context as gender issues have been found to be culture-dependent.