This book presents original research and commentary
on the influence of the oxygen cost of breathing on
whole-body VO2 and VO2max.
The measurement and interpretation of VO2max is a
fundamental concept in exercise physiology.
Attainment of a plateau in VO2 despite increasing
exercise intensity is the primary criterion for
achieving VO2max and is assumed to reflect a maximum
level of O2 consumption by the exercising muscles.
Indirect calorimetry via expired gas analysis is the
most common method used to measure VO2 during
exercise and provides data representing whole-body
oxygen consumption. Whole-body data is used to
establish the existence or absence of a VO2 plateau,
and the interpretation that such responses directly
reflect the metabolic activity of the exercised
muscle mass. Interpretation of whole-body VO2 as a
representation of exercising muscle VO2 is therefore
not accurate as established by the research presented
in this book.
on the influence of the oxygen cost of breathing on
whole-body VO2 and VO2max.
The measurement and interpretation of VO2max is a
fundamental concept in exercise physiology.
Attainment of a plateau in VO2 despite increasing
exercise intensity is the primary criterion for
achieving VO2max and is assumed to reflect a maximum
level of O2 consumption by the exercising muscles.
Indirect calorimetry via expired gas analysis is the
most common method used to measure VO2 during
exercise and provides data representing whole-body
oxygen consumption. Whole-body data is used to
establish the existence or absence of a VO2 plateau,
and the interpretation that such responses directly
reflect the metabolic activity of the exercised
muscle mass. Interpretation of whole-body VO2 as a
representation of exercising muscle VO2 is therefore
not accurate as established by the research presented
in this book.