Physics as a science is a major corner stone in the development of technology that physical theories require a high degree of precision. Knowledge of physics consists of many of the concepts and principles that are generally abstract. Physics is a subject that requires a relatively high intellect so most students have difficulty studying. Many difficulties faced by most students is the interpretation of various concepts and principles of physics because students are required to be able to interpret the knowledge of physics and its application in daily life properly and not vague or ambiguous. This situation is exacerbated by the use of learning methods that are less precise physics. This research aims to the problems of physics concepts and principles of quantum numbers of atomic models that abstract becomes real and can be perceived by students as a learning experience guiding students visualize models with atomic quantum numbers in three dimensions in the learning process. The results of the study are students better understand the concepts and principles of three dimensional model of the atom, and can put electron configuration in the electron orbit in accordance with the rules.