This books aims to cover some recent research work in the field of physics including theoretical plasma physics, solid state physics and vibrational studies of biomolecules. It has been estimated that 99.9% matter in the universe is in plasma state. Fluorescent lamp, Neon lamp, lightning, Aurora Borealis, twinkling stars and Sun are the sources of plasma around us. Nowadays Plasma is a growing field of research due to its wide range of applications such as cleaning, waste treatment, Food Processing, skin treatment, sterilization and many more. Now plasma fusion energy is a hope for future energy and ITER is going to fulfill this dream. The vibrational study of biomolecules is very important in the biological point of view. In this multi research book in physics we try to present some original research work which will help the researchers to enhance their knowledge in recent research trends of plasma sheath, solid state physics and vibrational studies of biomolecules