Radiation from the Sun is absorbed mainly at the surface of the Earth. Then the atmospheric and oceanic circulations redistribute this energy and radiate it back to space at longer wavelengths. The climate change is believed to be a result of the disturbance of the balance between receiving and outgoing radiation or alteration of the redistribution of energy within the atmosphere and between the atmosphere, land, and ocean.While our understanding of climate change and its implications are still developing, concerns about climate change has led to a search for means of mitigating the impact by a combination of conservation, sequestration, and substitution of carbon neutral fuels for fossil fuels. There is no net emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) due to organic matter decomposition and plant respiration other than from one time clearing. Hence, any substitution of biomass-based energy for fossil fuels energy is ideal because it avoids the emission of GHGs produced by fossil fuels