TITLE: THE IGBOMINA MIGRANT COMMUNITY IN LAGOS 1900-1985 Scholars mostly agree with the global character of migration, but are divided as to its impact especially on the source region. While some of them believe that migration does have positive effects on the source region, others hold the view that it produces negative impact on the source region but benefits the host community. It is within this context that this study looked at migration of Igbomina from their homeland to Lagos. The objective of the study is to examine the factors responsible for Igbomina migration, that is the push and pull factors; the nature of the migration and its socio-economic and political consequences, first on the source region, Igbominaland and the host community Lagos. The key finding of the research is that migration has a long-term positive rather than negative effects on Igbominaland. It has served as veritable tool for relative rapid socio-economic and political transformation of their homeland. The study concludes that without migration much of the growth and development witnessed in Igbomina today may not have been possible. Therefore, the effects of migration on Igbomina were not negative.