In respect to a global interest in learning English,many instructional approaches, methods, and techniques have been developed. Some have been short-lived and others have justified themselves for longer periods of time.Content-based instruction (CBI)- a particular approach to CBI, involving pairing language and content classeswith shared language and content learning objectives- have been considered as viable to teach language in recent times. This case study was conducted to determine what language and contentlecturers in Bilkent Adjunct Program think about the rationale, development, and implementation of current programs and future adjucnt program offereibgs. The result is that the second year students enrolled in adjucnt programs improved their English.According to the teaching staff, the programs were very beneficiary for not only the language abilities of the students, but also for their content knowledge.At the same time, it should not be forgotten that all administrative and teaching staff in tsuch programs smake a huge effort.