In this book, we provide analytical results and
methods for partitioned simulation of electrical
circuits. Special emphasis has been put on two
points. First, the analytical results should have
graph theoretical interpretations. This requirement
is based on the fact that the differential-algebraic
equations arising in circuit simulation are often
very large and badly scaled and do not allow an
analysis with standard tools from linear algebra. And
secondly, all methods shall work with standard
circuit simulation tools, such that these methods can
easily be included into existing software. The widely
used circuit simulation tool SPICE and the
corresponding netlist format have been used as
methods for partitioned simulation of electrical
circuits. Special emphasis has been put on two
points. First, the analytical results should have
graph theoretical interpretations. This requirement
is based on the fact that the differential-algebraic
equations arising in circuit simulation are often
very large and badly scaled and do not allow an
analysis with standard tools from linear algebra. And
secondly, all methods shall work with standard
circuit simulation tools, such that these methods can
easily be included into existing software. The widely
used circuit simulation tool SPICE and the
corresponding netlist format have been used as