Productivity is a summary measure of the quantity and quality of work performance with resource utilization considered. Regardless of the type of production, economic, engineering or political system, the basic concept is always the relationship between the quality and quantity of goods or service produced and the quantity of resource used to produce them. Productivity is crucial to be competitive in current global economy. Organizations will be removed from the market unless they continuously improve productivity and stay competitive. Among the industries susceptible to such phenomenon are the garment and footwear industry of Ethiopia. Hence Productivity is the crucial theme in any organization whether it is service or manufacturing organization. The garment and footwear sectors were chosen as main area of focus to explore factors influencing productivity so that it can be enhanced by managing these factors. Judgement sample of organization is selected considering the organizations' resourcefulness and their role in their respective sector. Thus, 12 organizations six from garment and six from footwear were selected for the study.