"George Twitchett: Rise of the Varda" serves as an enthralling introduction to a captivating Norse fantasy series set against the backdrop of the Victorian era. This compelling tale unfolds in a world teeming with rune magic, presenting an alternate history intertwined with rich Norse mythology. Prepare to encounter an array of new mythical creatures as you embark on this thrilling adventure. Book one George Twitchett found himself in a constant state of boredom as the sole child in town, until Anna's arrival sparked an unexpected change. After celebrating their 13th birthday, their lives underwent a profound transformation, shattering the illusion of the familiar world they thought they knew. Accompany George, Anna, and their companions every step of the way, as they are thrust into an entirely unfamiliar world, filled with tragedies, magic and adventure. Their extraordinary adventures were about to begin, and there was no turning back!
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