Saving Nia follows the lives of a family of children removed from their homes by child welfare services. Nia, the main character who was placed in foster care at birth, was raised by a loving foster mother. At the age of six, she is suddenly taken from her home and place with her shockingly abusive biological family. Living in a nightmare, she builds a barrier around herself. As Nia enters early adolescence and struggles with issues of loss and sanity, she embarks on a dangerous journey to find her mother.
This fast-paced story is emotional and heartwarming, telling the many trails and challenges of a black American family through generations. This novel attempts to highlight how social injustice is embedded in society and how choices people make are often rooted in significant events that occurred in their childhood. This compelling story of hurting children potently projects the power of love and the strength of faith.
This fast-paced story is emotional and heartwarming, telling the many trails and challenges of a black American family through generations. This novel attempts to highlight how social injustice is embedded in society and how choices people make are often rooted in significant events that occurred in their childhood. This compelling story of hurting children potently projects the power of love and the strength of faith.
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