Chris Eagle has been reverse engineering software for 40 years. He is the author of The IDA Pro Book (No Starch Press) and is a highly sought-after provider of reverse engineering training. He has published numerous reverse engineering tools and given numerous talks at conferences such as Blackhat, Defcon, and Shmoocon. Dr. Kara Nance is a private security consultant. She has been a professor of computer science for many years. She has served on the Honeynet Project Board of Directors and has given numerous talks at conferences around the world. She enjoys building Ghidra extensions and regularly provides Ghidra training
Chapter 1: Introduction to Disassembly
Chapter 2: Reversing and Disassembly Tools
Chapter 3: Ghidra Background
Chapter 4: Getting Started with Ghidra
Chapter 5: CodeBrowser and Display Windows
Chapter 6: Disassembly Navigation
Chapter 7: Disassembly Manipulation
Chapter 8: Data Types and Data Structures
Chapter 9: Cross-References
Chapter 10: Graphs
Chapter 11: Collaborative SRE with Ghidra
Chapter 12: Customizing Ghidra
Chapter 13: Extending Ghidra Signatures
Chapter 14: Basic Ghidra Scripting
Chapter 15: Advanced Ghidra Scripting
Chapter 16: Using Ghidra in Headless Mode
Chapter 17: Unrecognized Binary Files
Chapter 18: Processors
Chapter 19: Compiler Variations
Chapter 20: Obfuscated Code Analysis
Chapter 21: Patching Binaries
Chapter 22: Vulnerability Analysis
Chapter 23: Binar Differencing and Version Tracking
Appendix A: Ghidra for IDA Users
Appendix B: C to assembly correspondence