Will Alligators Eat Up Your Retirement Income? Many people reach retirement only to encounter unexpected dangers. Taxes increase, costs of living skyrocket, and savings accounts plummet. Some people end up having to decrease their standard of living-or worse, return to work. These nasty surprises are what financial consultant Kevin Bard calls "retirement alligators." And when it starts raining alligators, you need a Retirement Umbrella to protect your wealth. Discover how to create a Retirement Umbrella in this practical book, featuring: * The #1 Fear in Retirement * Big Risks You Need to Avoid * Pros & Cons of Traditional Retirement Vehicles * How To Never Worry About Money Again * The 7 Alligators That Want to Eat Your Retirement You'll enjoy how Kevin shares stories from his family and career as he explains his unique approach to retirement planning. So start reading today: it's never too late to create a solid plan to preserve your standard of living. It's never too late to construct your own Retirement Umbrella.
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