The story follows the life of Kaleo, a young prince of Exvia, whose bloodline is known for their gold-ringed silver eyes. Kaleo is found unconscious with his dead brother, Vincent lying on him on a blood soaked beach by Hanaeda, an extremely powerful member of the nokto tribe. Hanaeda takes him to the village elder Reiko, who heals Kaleo using his abilities while also looking through Kaleo's memories. Reiko discovers the soul of his former master, Lucian, the calamity, lives inside of Kaleo while also finding out Kaleo's true identity. After recovering Kaleo finally wakes up to Reiko telling Kaleo that he is to be hidden from the rest of the world since they believe him dead as well as his brother. Reiko then takes Kaleo into the farplane, death's domain where the Nokto draw their power from, and shows him what happened before he was found. Kaleo watches him and his brother escape to his father, the king, murdered. Kaleo must now find his place in the world as he trains under the unwilling, Hanaeda. Kaleo soon finds himself mixed in with supernatural beings such as the gatekeeper, a being that ferries soul's from the lifeplane to the farplane, as well as hearing lucian speak to him. As Kaleo gets older he makes friends and tries his best to fit it all while becoming an extremely powerful and adept warrior, battling pirates, legendary creatures and powerful foes. Eventually the path he's chosen leads him to the ones responsible for the death of his father and brother.
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