This novel is an interesting novel. It is an autobiography of the great Tunisian writer, Hayat Erraies. This novel is an oasis of history, psychology, philosophy, religion, romance, war, peace, and culture. It is a panorama on which one can find joy, tragedy, sarcasm, and seriousness. An introspective reading study of this novel explains how it is with the idea of love, fighting against traditions, the other, the issue of identity. One of the most important ideas in this novel is the concept of language. Baghdad at Midnight shows how language is as living as human beings. It shows how one's language is his own identity. Moreover, it confirms that Man dwells language. It also sheds ample light on the different dialects of the same language. Although this novel is a literary work of art, it deals seriously with the issues of language including phonology, connotation, and denotation of words.