Suchergebnisse für ""Henry Kerby""

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The law of Merchandise Marks and the Criminal law of False Marking, With a Chapter on Warranty of Trade Marks and a Collection of Statutes, General Orders and Forms.
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Duncan Mackenzie Kerly
Frank George Underhay
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5. Dezember 2015
Creative Media Partners, LLC

The Law of Trade Marks and Their Registration, and Matters Connected Therewith
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Lewis Boyd Sebastian
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Including a Chapter On Goodwill, Together With Appendices Containing Precedents of Injunctions, Etc., Trade Marks Registration Acts, 1875-7, and The Rules and Instructions The
18. Mai 2016
Creative Media Partners, LLC

The London Building Acts, Including the London Building act, 1894; the Amendment Acts of 1898 and 1905; L.C.C. General Power Acts, 1908 and 1909; the Cinematograph act, 1909; Town Planning act, etc.; a Tect-book on the law Relating to Building in the Metr
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Trade Marks and Merchandise Marks; an Epitome of Information Concerning the Laws of the Commonwealth of Australia Relating to the Marking of Merchandi
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The Real Property Acts, 1874, 1875 & 1876: 37 & 38 Vict. Cc. 33, 37, 57, 78: Settled Estates Act, Powers Law Amendment Act, Limitation Act, And Vendor
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Charges and General Information Relating to Patents in New Zealand Under "The Patents, Designs and Trade-marks Act, 1889."
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25. August 2016
Creative Media Partners, LLC

The Law of Trade-marks of the United States and the Principal Foreign Countries; a Summary
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The Law and Practice Concerning Patents & Trade-marks (American and Foreign) a Digest of Practical Knowledge for the Inventor, Patentee and Projector
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James Amaziah Whitney
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27. August 2016
Creative Media Partners, LLC

The Canadian Railway Act, 1919: 9-1o Geo V. cap. 68 and Amending Acts, 1920, With Notes of Cases Decided Thereon, Including the Decisions of the Board
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Angus Macmurchy
John David Spence
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