The purposes of this study were to identify and to
compare learning style and personality type profiles
of hospitality undergraduate students in Taiwan and
the United States. This was the first investigation
of Taiwanese hospitality students involving their
distributions of learning style and personality type
profiles. 497 Taiwanese students and 294 American
students completed the questionnaire, which included
demographic information, Learning Style Inventory,
and Personal Style Inventory.
The author is especially indebted to his advisors
Dr. Chih-Kang Kenny Wu and Dr. Ginny
Felstehausen for their understanding and support. He
thanks Dr. Betty L. Stout for giving him superior
advice regarding his writing and also thanks Dr.
Yung-Mei Tsai for giving him recommendations
regarding the instruments and educational
The author has been fortunate to have had support
and assistance from a number of people of immense
heart, talent and friendship. He gives his special
thanks to his friends, colleagues, parents, and
family, especially his daughters, Emily and Allie,
his son, Allen, , and wife, Hui-Hui, who supported
and encouraged him through his research.
compare learning style and personality type profiles
of hospitality undergraduate students in Taiwan and
the United States. This was the first investigation
of Taiwanese hospitality students involving their
distributions of learning style and personality type
profiles. 497 Taiwanese students and 294 American
students completed the questionnaire, which included
demographic information, Learning Style Inventory,
and Personal Style Inventory.
The author is especially indebted to his advisors
Dr. Chih-Kang Kenny Wu and Dr. Ginny
Felstehausen for their understanding and support. He
thanks Dr. Betty L. Stout for giving him superior
advice regarding his writing and also thanks Dr.
Yung-Mei Tsai for giving him recommendations
regarding the instruments and educational
The author has been fortunate to have had support
and assistance from a number of people of immense
heart, talent and friendship. He gives his special
thanks to his friends, colleagues, parents, and
family, especially his daughters, Emily and Allie,
his son, Allen, , and wife, Hui-Hui, who supported
and encouraged him through his research.