Wireless sensor networks are now playing an
increasingly important role in many applications
because of their small packet size, ease of
deployment, low power consumption, wireless inter-
communication capability, and self-organized dynamic
topologies. In many applications the network is
scattered in an ad-hoc manner within a region where
it is meant to collect environmental data through
multi-hop routing among all sensor nodes.
In this project, I review and compare the existing
multimedia systems based on wireless sensor motes.
In addition, a basic audio & video system is
developed using inputs from wireless sensor network
consisting of multiple motes as the controlling
parameters. The purpose of this project is to
provide a testbed application that is capable of
conveying the input from sensor motes in a fun and
easy-to-understand way. The preliminary work
demonstrates that non-tethered wireless sensor
devices and MIDI triggers can be utilized together
to provide multimedia output in unconventional ways
and consequently provide an educational proof of
concept system for the students interested in this
increasingly important role in many applications
because of their small packet size, ease of
deployment, low power consumption, wireless inter-
communication capability, and self-organized dynamic
topologies. In many applications the network is
scattered in an ad-hoc manner within a region where
it is meant to collect environmental data through
multi-hop routing among all sensor nodes.
In this project, I review and compare the existing
multimedia systems based on wireless sensor motes.
In addition, a basic audio & video system is
developed using inputs from wireless sensor network
consisting of multiple motes as the controlling
parameters. The purpose of this project is to
provide a testbed application that is capable of
conveying the input from sensor motes in a fun and
easy-to-understand way. The preliminary work
demonstrates that non-tethered wireless sensor
devices and MIDI triggers can be utilized together
to provide multimedia output in unconventional ways
and consequently provide an educational proof of
concept system for the students interested in this