GIUSEPPE LEONARDI is an Associate Senior Researcher in the Department of Geology at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and an Associate Curator of the Museo della Scienza-MUSE of Trento (Italy). He is the author of Annotated Atlas of South America Tetrapod Footprints and of Glossary and Manual of Tetrapod Footprint Palaeoichnology. ISMAR DE SOUZA CARVALHO is a Professor in the Department of Geology at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a Researcher in the Geosciences Center at University of Coimbra, the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq), and Rio de Janeiro Scientist Program (FAPERJ).
Foreword, by James O. Farlow
1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Geological Context of the Footprints
4. The Ichnofaunas of the Rio do Peixe Basins and Their Trackmakers
5. Data Tables and Statistics
6. The Trackmakers of the Ichnofaunas of the Rio do Peixe Basins
7. Behavior of the Rio do Peixe Basins Dinosaurs
8. The Dinosaur Community
9. Invertebrate Trails and Traces
10. Localities Visited Without Vertebrate Ichnological Results
11. Protections Acts
Appendix A: Glossary of Brazilian Geographical Names and Terms
Appendix B: Dates of the Discovery of the Tracksites and Their Discoverers
Appendix C: Codes and Localities