Suchergebnisse für ""Iurii Sharikov""

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Removal of Pb using waste Rubiaceae, genus Coffea Plant Leaves
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Tukarambai M.
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Waste Recycling
3. Mai 2022
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Drying kinetics of Bixa orellana Labil (annatto)
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Gustavo Oliveira Everton
Nilton Silva Costa Mafra
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Influence of temperature on the physicochemical and biological properties of its essential oil
23. Juni 2020
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Solid State Phase Formation Kinetics Laws and Peculiarities
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Mykhaylo Viktorovych Yarmolenko
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12. März 2019
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Essential oil front larvae of the Aedes aegypti
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Paulo Victor Serra Rosa
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Pimenta dioica Lindl.
19. Juli 2021
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Essential Oil of Black Olive
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Lizandra Kelly Serra Nunes
Glaciana Dias Araújo
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Syzygium cumini: Larvicidal activity opposite Aedes aegypti of the essential oil
17. Mai 2021
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Larvicidal activity of nanoemulsion and essential oil from P. Guajava
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João Pedro Mesquita Oliveira
Thaylanna Pinto de Lima
Gustavo Oliveira Everton
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Development of larvicidal nanoemulsion (O / A) incorporated in the essential oil of Psidium guajava L.
11. November 2021
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Larvicidal activity of microparticles of essential oil
27,99 €
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Gustavo Oliveira Everton
Paulo Victor Serra Rosa
Ari Pereira de Araújo Neto
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Larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti of microparticles of Melissa officinalis L. essential oil
23. Dezember 2020
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Oil, militancy and political opportunities in the Niger delta
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Interrogating the origin and impact of militant activities in the oil-rich delta
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LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Theoretical and practical aspects of software development process
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Yurii Tomka
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31. Januar 2023
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

Influence of drying on the essential oil of Alpinia zerumbet leaves
19,99 €
Versandfertig in 1-2 Wochen
Gustavo Oliveira Everton
Paulo Sérgio Santos Júnior
Victor Elias Mouchrek Filho
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Mathematical modelling of Alpinia zerumbet leaves and biological properties of its essential oils
10. Juli 2020
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