This book in a diagnostic approach looks at the problems plaguing Africa, a continent rich in human and natural resources yet the poorest in the world. The main question is: what is the purpose of government in Africa? As illustrated by different empirical examples, the study argues that the creation of states and governments after colonialism was a «false start» and was not impacted by the social contract principle of men forming government to preserve the common good. The result is a leadership culture of government against the people with weak institutions in favour of strong autocratic rulers. The core of this study is a solution seeking approach with alternative political forms.
«Cherished truth well spoken about a society saddled by governors whose greed and corruption keep their people in constant poverty.» (Michael Tazanu Asaba)
«A brilliant, lucidly written with logical consistency and thought touched study based upon founded theories and panoramic details of applied facts and empirical examples. In this book I call him a 'good doer'.» (Prof. Samir Dasgupta, University of Kalyani, India)
«A brilliant, lucidly written with logical consistency and thought touched study based upon founded theories and panoramic details of applied facts and empirical examples. In this book I call him a 'good doer'.» (Prof. Samir Dasgupta, University of Kalyani, India)