This book highlights important areas concerning induction and orientation of teachers in schools. These areas include: Objectives of induction and orientation of teachers; components of induction and orientation programmes; benefits of induction and orientation to teachers; demerits of non induction and orientation of teachers; guidelines for a better induction and orientation process; challenges facing induction and orientation of teachers in Kenyan secondary schools and a brief comparative study of induction and orientation of teachers in Britain. The book is a product of a MEd Degree Research Project which was carried out in the larger Taita district, Kenya in 2010. The study was guided by the following objectives: To establish the status of induction and orientation of teachers in public secondary schools in Taita District; to find out the benefits of induction and orientation of teachers; to establish the induction related challenges facing beginning teachers in the execution of their duties and to investigate the challenges facing induction and orientation of teachers in public secondary schools in Taita District.