Intona is the name of the prestigious and world-renowned art institute eponymously named after the exorbitantly wealthy Intona family. The institute serves as a fictional representation of modern Western 21st-century society, a backdrop to the story weaving its way through the lives of the characters. Traversing time as vast as Pre-Revolutionary France to late classical antiquity, follow an ensemble cast as they grapple with themes of artistic identity, the question of fate and destiny, the power of love, the difficulties of relationships, the consequences of technology, the meaning of family lineage, and the existence of the supernatural. Along the way, experience unforgettable encounters with characters such as a walking pig in a suit, the Intona family, the eccentric genius architect Jonas Monfleur, a human android nanny, the ruthlessly ambitious technocrat Caroline Sing, and many more. Enter Intona's atmospheric world of grand ideas, filled with characters whose lives, by the end of the story, will have changed forever.
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