The book is in four parts: biblical conceptions of evangelism; historical foundation for evangelism; theological foundation for evangelism; and evangelism through the local church. This publication is a revision of Drumbeats of Salvation in Africa published by Africa University Press in 2007; subsequently, there are subtractions and additions of new chapters, making it a conglomeration of chapters on different aspects of evangelism. Added chapters were originally presentations at made at different international forums of evangelism primarily in Africa.The reader will quickly notice that the author has followed a historical methodology in that, Evangelism that Offers Christ begins in Palestine with Jesus of Nazareth, whose main message was to offer and usher the kingdom of God, almost some 2000 years ago; and then the early church, who perceived that, that kingdom of God was embodied in Christ, and so began offering Christ to the world up to this day through subsequent generationsof Christians. Yes, as Christians we are still in the business of offering Christ to the world.