Re-Imagining Animation: The Changing Face of the Moving Image by Paul Wells and Johnny Hardstaff explores the changing nature of animation in the twenty-first century.
Animation was once constructed frame-by-frame, but now the creation and manipulation of the moving image has changed. With the digital revolution, what was once merely an adjunct of film has become central to the entire cinematic enterprise. This title examines animation's changing role through engagement with a series of contemporary moving-image works, and comprises an important text on a popular subject.
Each case study looks at the entire creative process, from the initial creative stimulus, through the development of an aesthetic and the technical production of the work, to the final outcome.
This book is suitable for students of animation, established professional animators, and anyone with an interest in animation.
Animation was once constructed frame-by-frame, but now the creation and manipulation of the moving image has changed. With the digital revolution, what was once merely an adjunct of film has become central to the entire cinematic enterprise. This title examines animation's changing role through engagement with a series of contemporary moving-image works, and comprises an important text on a popular subject.
Each case study looks at the entire creative process, from the initial creative stimulus, through the development of an aesthetic and the technical production of the work, to the final outcome.
This book is suitable for students of animation, established professional animators, and anyone with an interest in animation.