This work examines Buber's philosphy, specifically as it pertains to psychology and psychotherapy. The importance and relevance of Buber's theory and constructs in the psychotherapeutic process and relationship are highlighted. Psychological theories and therapists closely aligned to or influenced by Buber are also explored. Particular attention is given to Intersubjectivity Theory, which has striking congruence and similarity with Buber's philosophy. Thereafter, the focus shifts to the area of Trauma. Different models of understanding and conceptualising Trauma are presented. It is demonstrated how applying a Buberian understanding of the experience of Trauma can shed light on the impact of Trauma on a sufferer's life. The aim of the study is to understand the impact of Trauma on interpersonal relationships and one's capacity for engaging in an I-Thou mode, and to determine components of psychotherapy found to be most helpful in the recovery process. A qualitative research design is employed and five participants who have experienced a Trauma of some kind are interviewed and their experiences analysed with thematic analysis. Ethical considerations and limitations are included.