Indoor environment is vital for human health. Two
university problem buildings were compared with two
control buildings. Health assessment included tear
film, nasal patency, nasal lavage analyses and
markers for allergy and atopy. Psychosocial and
physical environment was assessed with
questionnaires, inspections, air microbiology,
thermal climate and air quality at 56 points and
modelled for all work sites. Impact of gender
differences, allergy and home environment were also
studied. Exposure differences between problem
buildings and controls were small, variations
between rooms were greater. Workers in the problem
buildings had more general and dermal symptoms, but
not more objective signs. Tear film stability
through the work day was impaired by low night air
temperatures and low relative air humidity. Low air
humidity and air velocity were associated with
perceiving dry air and feeling too cold. Low night
indoor air temperature, increased air temperature
difference between day and night and fast changes in
air temperature might impair indoor environment.
This may have implication for choice of energy
saving policies in buildings.
university problem buildings were compared with two
control buildings. Health assessment included tear
film, nasal patency, nasal lavage analyses and
markers for allergy and atopy. Psychosocial and
physical environment was assessed with
questionnaires, inspections, air microbiology,
thermal climate and air quality at 56 points and
modelled for all work sites. Impact of gender
differences, allergy and home environment were also
studied. Exposure differences between problem
buildings and controls were small, variations
between rooms were greater. Workers in the problem
buildings had more general and dermal symptoms, but
not more objective signs. Tear film stability
through the work day was impaired by low night air
temperatures and low relative air humidity. Low air
humidity and air velocity were associated with
perceiving dry air and feeling too cold. Low night
indoor air temperature, increased air temperature
difference between day and night and fast changes in
air temperature might impair indoor environment.
This may have implication for choice of energy
saving policies in buildings.