Gebundenes Buch
From Tait's Work on the Compressibility of Seawater to Equations-Of-State for Liquids
12. Dezember 2019
eBook, ePUB | 139,99 € | |
eBook, PDF | 139,99 € |
Gebundenes Buch
Discovering H.M.S. Challenger's Physical Measurements Relating to Ocean Circulation
18. Juni 2019
eBook, ePUB | 139,99 € | |
eBook, PDF | 139,99 € |
Gebundenes Buch
The First Explorations of the Deep Sea by H.M.S. Challenger (1872-1876)
30. April 2019
eBook, ePUB | 139,99 € | |
eBook, PDF | 139,99 € |
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