Entertainment-Education (E-E) interventions were evaluated using quantitative and qualitative methodologies to assess what specific variables may make more effective the communication strategy. Variables including length of the E-E serial drama and the post-viewing discussion sessions in their relation to cognitive, attitudinal and behavioral intentional outcomes were examined using experimental design and focus group discussions. It was predicted that the length of the E-E serial drama would impact the quality of the intervention. Likewise, it was predicted that the post-viewing discussion sessions would improve the quality of the intervention. It was concluded that the length of the E-E serial drama did not produce significant change in the overall efficacy of the intervention. However, the post-viewing discussion sessions when incorporated with the E-E drama series or telenovela did produce significant change in regards to cognitive, attitudinal and behavioral outcomes of the E-E intervention. Implication of the findings for future E-E interventions and recommendations for further study are enclosed.