Over the past two decades, rapid changes have taken
place in the library world. Pressure has grown as
libraries have tried to adapt to the growth of
information technologies, combined with increasing
financial pressure on library budgets. This study
examines if and how change has impacted on the role
of UK Academic Library Assistants in the year 2005.
Literature searches have shown written evidence of
change in the way we receive information and the
effect this will have on Library and Information
Centres and Managers in the future, but little
research was discovered regarding the future of
Library Assistants.
Observations at the authors own workplace showed a
varying range of qualifications, length of service,
and skills of those holding this post and this
further raised questions about 'who is a Library
place in the library world. Pressure has grown as
libraries have tried to adapt to the growth of
information technologies, combined with increasing
financial pressure on library budgets. This study
examines if and how change has impacted on the role
of UK Academic Library Assistants in the year 2005.
Literature searches have shown written evidence of
change in the way we receive information and the
effect this will have on Library and Information
Centres and Managers in the future, but little
research was discovered regarding the future of
Library Assistants.
Observations at the authors own workplace showed a
varying range of qualifications, length of service,
and skills of those holding this post and this
further raised questions about 'who is a Library