This book informs the reader of a study that explores
the music development, achievement and aspirations of
adolescent students participating in pre-tertiary
specialised music programs. A theoretical model is
developed for the study to investigate the role and
influence of such training in the development of
music skills, and explores relationships amongst
music experience, music engagement, interpersonal and
intrapersonal relationships, personal learning
styles, and affective response to music.
The data source for the study is a pre-tertiary
Australian music program. The study was conducted
over two years, used a large student population, a
small group of case studies, and combined
contemporaneous and retrospective approaches.
This study enhances understanding of the conditions
through which music development is nurtured; it
confirms the importance of exposure and opportunity,
the collective efforts of the family and community,
and the need for hard work and perseverance to
usually be exercised by young musicians themselves.
Extensive appendices contain case-study reports,
reflective journals, interviews, surveys, tasks and
the music development, achievement and aspirations of
adolescent students participating in pre-tertiary
specialised music programs. A theoretical model is
developed for the study to investigate the role and
influence of such training in the development of
music skills, and explores relationships amongst
music experience, music engagement, interpersonal and
intrapersonal relationships, personal learning
styles, and affective response to music.
The data source for the study is a pre-tertiary
Australian music program. The study was conducted
over two years, used a large student population, a
small group of case studies, and combined
contemporaneous and retrospective approaches.
This study enhances understanding of the conditions
through which music development is nurtured; it
confirms the importance of exposure and opportunity,
the collective efforts of the family and community,
and the need for hard work and perseverance to
usually be exercised by young musicians themselves.
Extensive appendices contain case-study reports,
reflective journals, interviews, surveys, tasks and