In a Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) system, one of the important modules is determination of optimal cutting conditions. It is suggested that a multipass turning operation can be broken into few rough as well as a finish pass turning problem for a given depth of cut. It is easy to solve a single pass turning problem for a given depth of cut. The production cost per piece has been minimized under practical constraints of cutting force, cutting power, surface finish, stable cutting region, chip-tool interface temperature etc. under limits of cutting speed and feed. The common practice is to use a nonlinear programming technique, evolutionary algorithm such as simulated annealing algorithm, genetic algorithm, etc. for finding out optimum cutting conditions for a single pass turning operation. The constraint inequalities are represented in terms of cutting speed and feed. These relationships give a linear closed polygon in ln speed-ln feed plane using principle of geometric programming and simple logic. The global optimum in feasible region can be easily located.