Information management and decision making are very powerful concepts in the effective management and administration of both public and private pharmaceutical sector activities. This is a well researched piece of work by an African scholar based in Uganda, in his effort to try and find solutions to the notoriously rampant ineffective management and administration styles of the Pharmaceutical sector, which sector has been proven to account for the low life expectancy and a heavy burden of high infant mortality rates in most African countries including Uganda. Dr. Ohairwe Gilbert deeply analyses the importance of proper information management in the process of effective decision making and the proper administration of any pharmaceutical sector. The author undertook extensive global quantitative and qualitative analysis and surveys that justify the existing conceptual relationship, providing refined statistical data that finally underpins the hypotheses in the research study. This book is therefore a critically very helpful tool in guiding both the academia and other institutions in improving information management techniques in order to generate correct decisions in management.