Issues related to culture and management in developing countries are more and more a focus of academic interest. However, there remains paucity on how culture influences management practice, the meaning of work-world and coping strategies for the African managers. In this respect, the place and effect of culture in Western management discourse is a major concern in African socioeconomic development discourse. However, while the African managers are very knowledgeable about accepted theories and models of Western values knowledge about the cultures and values of their own society is limited therefore making the ability to contribute something original to their societal development limited. Thus, while Western management has no doubt, contributed somehow to the development and progress of organisations in Africa, I am of the opinion that the organisational performances since decolonisation have been disappointing compared to achievements of some other developing economies, notably the Asian countries. This book focuses on managerial practice of leadership, motivation, recruitment and promotion around which cultural values, the meaning of work and coping strategies are structure.