Since the dawn of trading as we know it these days, people's perception towards quality has been affected by many factors. Researchers and academics have been since trying to decipher these effects through investigative and exploratory studies. Consumers are affected by many means of communication in addition to their direct experience, word of mouth, references, media and many other psychological and habitual elements. following in the path of other researchers, the author here tries to shed the light on a small sample of the Lebanese Student Shoppers to discover what would be considered of importance for them when selecting a product to purchase, or what would affect their decision making process and increase the likelihood of their purchase order. Defining a set of three factors and testing them among a sample of students at the university, revealed some interesting facts about how would a simple brand name, store name or price affect the perception of quality of the product under investigation. The results are inspiring, and the findings would help marketers and brand managers in their positioning and targeting efforts.