1884 is the academic journal of the School of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences at Prifysgol Bangor University. It this, its first issue, a wide range of different themes and topics is covered. Articles range from a discussion of the Norse god Odin, over an assessment of the reign of Charles I. to an analysis of Welsh medieval poetry, to a critical investigation of social support and heteronormativity in an online lesbian community.
Gareth Williams, Cyfarfod â'r Tywysogion : Bangor Students Meet the Welsh Princes (1),
Patrik Howgate, The forgotten influence of Old Norse on the English language (2),
William Luke Flanagan, Charles I: An absolute downfall (3-4),
George Higgins, A brief history of veganism (5-6),
Mark Hagger, What did the Normans do for us? (7-20),
Finlay Tyson, Humour throughout history (21-22),
Alasdair Dow, A eulogy to neoliberalism (23-24),
Sean Collier, Rebel songs of the Troubles (25-26),
Tom Wilkinson-Gamble, Chinain the 1980s (27-29),
Cai Davies, Marwnad Gruffudd ab yr Ynad Coch i Lywelyn ap Gruffudd (30-34),
Philip Gregory, The Story of the Swordfish (35-38),
Charlotte Jones & Myfanwy Davies, 'The Man Behind the Digital Curtain'. Investigating social support and heteronormativity in an online lesbian community (39-52),
Jacob Charnley, Gods of the past (53-54),
Richard J. Hayton, The Unlawful Games Act 1541: Controlling recreation and maintaining the class divide (55-59),
John Bailey, Charlemagne's little brother (60),
Stuart Stanton, The Greatest Welsh writer of the twentieth century (61-64),
Molly Southward, Book Review: Peter Watson, The German Genius (65-66),
James Churchill, History through fiction. How useful are the realist novels of T. Rowland Hughes as a historical source? (67-71),
Tom Wilkinson-Gamble, The four great classics of Chinese literature (72),
Rachael Caine, Book Review: Richard Evans, The Pursuit of Power (73-74)
Gareth Williams, Cyfarfod â'r Tywysogion : Bangor Students Meet the Welsh Princes (1),
Patrik Howgate, The forgotten influence of Old Norse on the English language (2),
William Luke Flanagan, Charles I: An absolute downfall (3-4),
George Higgins, A brief history of veganism (5-6),
Mark Hagger, What did the Normans do for us? (7-20),
Finlay Tyson, Humour throughout history (21-22),
Alasdair Dow, A eulogy to neoliberalism (23-24),
Sean Collier, Rebel songs of the Troubles (25-26),
Tom Wilkinson-Gamble, Chinain the 1980s (27-29),
Cai Davies, Marwnad Gruffudd ab yr Ynad Coch i Lywelyn ap Gruffudd (30-34),
Philip Gregory, The Story of the Swordfish (35-38),
Charlotte Jones & Myfanwy Davies, 'The Man Behind the Digital Curtain'. Investigating social support and heteronormativity in an online lesbian community (39-52),
Jacob Charnley, Gods of the past (53-54),
Richard J. Hayton, The Unlawful Games Act 1541: Controlling recreation and maintaining the class divide (55-59),
John Bailey, Charlemagne's little brother (60),
Stuart Stanton, The Greatest Welsh writer of the twentieth century (61-64),
Molly Southward, Book Review: Peter Watson, The German Genius (65-66),
James Churchill, History through fiction. How useful are the realist novels of T. Rowland Hughes as a historical source? (67-71),
Tom Wilkinson-Gamble, The four great classics of Chinese literature (72),
Rachael Caine, Book Review: Richard Evans, The Pursuit of Power (73-74)