Bullying Laws and Policies in Public Schools in the United States and Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis is a detailed comparison of the availability and implementation of bullying laws in the United States of America and Nigeria. The book addresses the ever growing phenomenon of bullying and its effects on the learning environment for students in public schools in the two countries, based on their similar political and educational agencies. While a lot of attention has been paid to the problem in the United States jugging from extensive availability of legislations in nearly all the states, the Nigerian situation is quite different with no direct laws and policies on bullying in the nation s public schools. In terms of implementation, the book clearly indicates the need for the United States to improve and perfect strategies to make the laws and policies more effective. As for the Nigerian situation it calls for passing of legislations, particularly at state levels, that address the phenomenon of bullying in school environment directly. Finally, it provides a sample legislation that may be adopted by the Nigerian state.