Broschiertes Buch
Effect of Different Formulations of Organic Fertilizers on Growth and Productivity in Rice
25. August 2013
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

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Induction Of Mutation In Grasspea [Lathyrus Sativus Linn.] Through Gamma Radiation And Ethyl Methanesulphonate
3. Juni 2015
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

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Studies in park and roadside tree diseases with special reference to root and heart rot fungi
15. Januar 2015
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

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Study of effects of Chemical fertilizers and Biofertilizers on growth and productivity of Canola in Mazandaran, Iran
23. Dezember 2014
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

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Interference Effects of Wild Oat and Wild Mustard on Wheat under different Nitrogen Levels
7. November 2013
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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