The book is a study of the works of Thornton Wilder vis-à-vis American drama. It is a comprehensive analysis of the multiple dimensions of Thornton Wilder's experiment and contribution to the growing tradition of American drama. The Opening Chapter deals with a detailed scenario of Twentieth Century American Drama starting from the late Nineteenth Century to the middle of the Twentieth Century. The Second Chapter rather concentrates on one of the leading aspects of the Wilderean vision of life. It is the seeing life from a broader perspective with the concept of timelessness and eternity. A number of his plays are analyzed and explored to show the connection between the common place and the cosmic dimensions of human experience. The Third Chapter delves deep into the Humanistic aspects of Wilder's plays. The Fourth Chapter dwells upon in details the milieu of Thornton's Drama and endeavors to show how the background of small town life and the idyllic life are treated uniquely by Wilder to propagate his vision of life. The Fifth Chapter or the last chapter is rather a conclusion where the contributions of Thornton Wilder to the American drama are summed up.