Dr. M.K. Ahirwar, The present research work carried under the title, "Effect of pesticides on the blood profile of the fish N.notopterus (Pallas)" is an effort to assess the impact of three pesticides, i.e.,Endrin,Malathion,Parathion and on the health status of commercially important food fish,documented by the change in haematological and biochemical parameters. The study is divided into four sub portions. The first part deals with the water quality analysis during the exposure time. The second part deals with the exposure of Notopterus notopterus (Pallas) to three pesticides. The third portion deals with the investigation of the haemato-biochemical indices of the test fish. The fourth portion deals with the statistical interpretation of the deviation of parameters from the normal blood values.The research work interprets the total setback of fish metabolic activities with special emphasis on hematology and biochemistry, affected by the immunological disturbance of the fish by the test pesticides. Blood analysis is crucial in many fields of ichthyological research and fish farming and in the area of toxicology and environmental monitoring as possible indicator of physiological.