The report on Village human development is prepared in Thamaraikulam Panchayat , Mandapam block in Ramanathapuram District, India.The main purpose of this book is to develop a Multidimensional poverty index at village level. Conventional method of measuring poverty misses many dimensions which are the real cause of poverty or to put it in the word of Amartya Sen it fails to analyse the capability deprivation of people. The recent Human Development Report has come out with an innovative method of looking at the poverty of world countries from multidimensional perspective and they have come out with Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI).The primary purpose of preparing such a report is to ensure availability of data on several social and human development indicators that would enable a deeper and meaningful understanding of causes and consequences of poverty and other social problems at a local level as opposed to a district or state level. In addition, the data can also used by scholars, students, and other concerned citizens from across the region and the nation.