Foreword: Rhomboid Pegs for Oblong Hearts
* Introduction: The Lesbian Polyamory Reader: Open Relationships,
Non-Monogamy, and Casual Sex
* Choosing Alternatives
* The Polyamory Quilt: Life's Lessons
* If This Is Tuesday, It Must Be Dee . . . Confessions of a Closet
* Lesbians as Luvbians
* Patriarchal Monogamy
* Turning Down the Jezebel Decibels
* Poly Wants a Lover
* Poly-Friendships
* Seven Poems for Three
* Adressee Unknown
* Bad Friend Book
* The Spontaneous Imaginative Life
* Living the Dream
* Matriarchal Village
* A Boomer's View of Non-Monogamy
* Impossible Body
* Paradigms of Polyamory
* If Love Is so Wonderful, What's so Scary About More?
* A Long Journey Towards Polyamorous Bliss
* So Many Women, So Little Time
* Kitaka's Experiment; or Why I Started the Ecstasy Lounge
* I'm Not Monogamous Anymore, But . . .
* Dinah, Sam, Beth, and Jolyn Say . . .
* Gays to Marry? Let's Not!
* Canary in the Coal Mine
* Safer Sex and the Polyamorous Lesbian
* Models of Open Relationships
* The Flexible House: A Fairy Tale
* Index
* Reference Notes Included