This work includes reference to studies on Augustine's De civitate Dei published from 1960-1990 in the United States and Canada. All critical studies that treat De civitate Dei in some substantial way are included. The text provides detailed annotations that indicate how each work contributes to a fuller understanding and interpretation of Augustine's most famous text. The work also has two sections which supplement the main bibliography. The first of these is an annotated list of selected important studies published in English by foreign publishers. The second includes selected important works published prior to 1960. The significant increase in studies on Augustine's De civitate Dei has generated a strong need for a comprehensive and annotated bibliography of recent scholarly studies devoted to Augustine's highly influential work. This book fills that need.
"Un précieux instrument de travail et une première dans le genre... "(M.-A.V, Revue des sciences religieuses)
"øThe authors! have produced an informative and readable reference guide that will be appreciated by specialists in the field. Recommended for university libraries" (Terry D. Bilhartz, American Reference Books Annual, 1993, 24th volume, Libraries Unlimited Inc.)
"øThe authors! have produced an informative and readable reference guide that will be appreciated by specialists in the field. Recommended for university libraries" (Terry D. Bilhartz, American Reference Books Annual, 1993, 24th volume, Libraries Unlimited Inc.)